My name is Huli, short for Hulisani (hoo-lee-sa-ni)
Born and raised in Venda, South Africa I recently moved across to England after I found love at my best friend’s wedding (No, i did not marry the groom, I will tell u about it soon, I promise).
I am free spirited at heart and try by all means to live for the moment, creating memories and living my best life. I work to live and travel. My love for traveling has allowed me to discover myself , broaden my horizons and connect with people from all walks of life. I have truly enjoyed the thrill and realisation that as humans we have a lot in common despite our diverse backgrounds.
As an avid reader, books have also transformed my life from an early age and allowed me to dream far and wide.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” ― George R.R. Martin.
I have varied interests that have shaped me into the woman I have become and through this blog, I invite you to journey with me in my life escapades . We are not here for long so we might as well make it count. Shall we?